1. General conditions of the www.usbhubshop.com website usage.

All descriptions and prices on the Website are offered for demonstration purposes only and are based on information received from Global shops.

Any content of the Website shall not be used without written consent of the owner of the Website.

  1. Subject matter of the Agreement

The Website provides tools to compare price for various gadgets and devices. The Website provides the User with comparative information about the products by indicating their characteristics, prices and the name of the shop where such products can be purchased.

  1. Website access and usage Terms and Conditions

Access and the usage of the Website are totally free. By accessing the Website or by completing the registration process, the User accepts all the provisions of the Agreement. Otherwise, the User is obliged to terminate access to the Website immediately.

  1. Copyright, trademarks and other distinctive attributes

All the trademarks, brand names and other distinctive attributes of any kind, which can be found on the Website, are the property of the Website or respective third parties.

The content of the Website shall be considered as intellectual property of the Website or respective third parties, and shall be not transferred to the User under the provisions of this Agreement.

  1. Liability for damage

The User of the Website shall bear the responsibility for all damages, which can be caused to the Website directly or indirectly as a result of violation of any responsibilities established in this Agreement.

  1. Limitation of liability

The owner of the Website shall bear no responsibility to the User and any third parties for all the problems, which may arise as a result of the usage of the Website (including periods of temporary technical problems, operational disruptions etc.)

6.1. We shall not be considered as a guarantor of quality, safety and legality of the compared products. We shall not bear any responsibility for quality and matching the description of the products, which were bought owing to the usage of the information of the Website.

6.2. We assume no responsibility for any kind of material and moral damage that may arise as a result of the usage of the Website.

6.3. Keeping in mind that information on the Website is updated in a timely manner, such information may be considered as obsolete at any moment in time. Thus, the Website bears no responsibility for any loss of profit of the User.

6.4. The Website bears no responsibility for any technical inaccuracies and mistakes in the description and prices of the products. The User shall be obliged to check actual information on the website of the seller.

6.5. The Website is exonerated from liability for any relations between the User and the Product Supplier.

  1. Links to third-party websites

This Websites contains links to the Product Suppliers’ websites. Such links are offered only for demonstration purposes. We have no control over such websites and bear no responsibility for any content published there.

Furthermore, the User shall be responsible to take required safety measures in order to protect their computer from viruses, worms, trojans and other malware, which can be found on third-party websites.

  1. Product reviews in online shops

The Website will not change or somehow control messages, comments or ratings from the users in case if such information is published on the online-shop websites. The User shall consider such reviews, ratings and comments as trustful only at their own risk.

  1. Privacy policy

The Website established Privacy Policy that governs collection and processing of the private information of the User.

By having access to the Website all the Users are giving their express approval to process their personal data. The Website can be used to collect as the main information, including the name, the surname, the patronymic, the home address, the phone number and the email address, as well as additional (technical) information, such as cookies, connection parameters and information about the system of the user.

  1. Period of operation

The operation of the Website can be paused or totally terminated at any moment in time.